Historic Tools of North Castle

Food Grinders (2)

There are two food grinder devices at Smith’s Tavern:

Catalog Items:

Item T82

Location:Panel 12
Length: 26 cm
Width: 15 cm
Height: 20 cm
Weight: 1230 g

The first (T82) is a grinder stamped with “Reg. US. Pat. Off. Griscer Ft. Wayne Ind. Made In USA Pat 4-25-22 US & Fox’s Pat’s Pend’g”.  It was manufactured by Griscer Industries of Fort Wayne, Indiana. It is made of cast iron and was attached to a work surface via its vice clamp.  It is operated by inserting the food to be processed into the top of the hopper, then the crank handle was used to turn the attached perforated adaptor that sliced the food.  There were a number of adaptors that could be attached to different sized perforations. This tool was mostly used for cheese and salad fixings.


Reference:  Griscer Grinder

Item TH-71-10-22

Location:Panel 12
Length: 18 cm
Width: 14 cm
Height: 7 cm
Weight: 532 g

The second food grinder (TH-7101-22) has no manufacturer’s markings so research was unable to identify the device.  It is made of cast iron and was attached to a work surface via its vice clamp. It is operated by inserting the food to be processed into the top of the circular hopper, then the crank handle was used to turn the attached wheel that ground the food.


If anyone does know more about this particular device, please email the Historical Society with this much-needed information.


Reference:  None